How can i check received values from file is x or not?

Hi all,

i am reading file line by line by using $fscanf system task but i want to check that which line contain x value if x value is received then give error message .

input file

eda link:

In reply to Prashant Soni:

you can use $isunknown(expression). if return 1 then value is x or z, otherwise it will return 0

In reply to kddholak:

thanks for your quick response…
plz first see eda link…
i want to read file using $fscanf system task but main problem is that …
when fscanf read int values from file then return value of $fscanf is 1
when fscanf read x value from file then return value of $fscanf is 0 after x value received when fscanf read int value then it’s giving 0(return value) instead of 1
how can i read floting point and x values from file in sv?