Can I do this in a class ?
class class_name#(type INTF);
virtual INTF if;
I get the error:
Error-[WUCIQ] Invalid qualifier usage
Invalid use of class item qualifiers. Cannot use virtual keyword for
Can I do this in a class ?
class class_name#(type INTF);
virtual INTF if;
I get the error:
Error-[WUCIQ] Invalid qualifier usage
Invalid use of class item qualifiers. Cannot use virtual keyword for
The following code executes perfectly fine
interface axi_intf;
logic clk , reset_n;
class C#(type VINTF = virtual interface axi_intf);
VINTF intf;
function new();
$display("Within class C");
module tb();
axi_intf axi_intf_inst();
C#(virtual interface axi_intf) c1 = new();
Thanks for your response. Why are the below implementations not supported ?
class class_name#(type INTF);
virtual INTF if;
class class_name#(interface INTF);
virtual INTF if;
I intend to create a customizable class by passing the interface types upon creation.
With the solution you provided, I’m able to instantiate the virtual interface. However, to get the interface I also need the interface type to be passed.
An interface
is not a datatype–it is a design element like a module
. A virtual interface is a datatype. You can pass the virtual interface datatype as a type parameter to a class.
One point I would like to add is that the keyword ‘interface’ is optional in the type declaration.
We could also define the class as
class C#(type VINTF = virtual axi_intf); // Without keyword 'interface'
VINTF intf;
function new();
$display("Within class C");