Generating random values in increasing order

Hi Dave,
I was trying to randomize an integer variable for 10 iterations in ascending order using the constraint you mentioned in the post dated Nov 28th. Following is the code:

module top;
    class rand_ex;
        rand int unsigned b;
        constraint c1 {b > const'(b) ;}
    rand_ex r1;
    initial begin
        r1 = new();
        for (int j=0; j<10; j++) begin
            assert (r1.randomize());
            $display ("Iteration_number:%0d b:%0d", j, r1.b);

I get this compilation error: Const cast for expressions is only supported in procedural assertions

Your feedback on this would be much appreciated. Also please help me understand as to how does the constraint “b > const’(b)” imply variable b of the current iteration should be greater than in the previous iteration.
Thanks and Regards,