Generate a constraint for the sequence 101100111000… without using pre and post randomize
This exact question was asked two days ago.
Below generic logic works
module example;
// 16-bit wide vector, adjust size as needed
logic [15:0] bitstring;
// Constraint to ensure the condition that for each number of `1`s,
// the number of `0`s following them is equal or greater.
constraint ones_zeros_constraint {
// Count number of ones and zeros
int ones, zeros;
// Find number of ones and zeros
ones == $countones(bitstring);
zeros == bitstring.size() - ones;
// Ensure that the number of zeros is at least as many as ones
zeros >= ones;
// Test stimulus to generate random valid bitstrings
initial begin
// Apply the constraint and print the generated bitstring
foreach (bitstring[i])
bitstring[i] = $random;
// Display the random bitstring
$display("Generated bitstring: %b", bitstring);
assert(ones_zeros_constraint) else $fatal("Constraint failed!");