General purpose fonction to put / get records (struct) through $signal_force

I am a former cadence user, non moving to Questa, dealing with SV verification of a VHDL RTL design. I cannot use $signal_force to force SV structs or classes to a VHDL record signal or port inner in the VHDL RTL (please correct me if I am wrong) I want to write a general-purpose function / class for doing this

the SV verification struct

typedef struct packed {
bit irq_req_en;
bit unsigned [3:0] rd_unf_guard;
} control_t;

The VHDL RTL record (declared in a package)

type control_t is record
irq_req_en: std_logic;
rd_unf_guard : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
end record reg_type_t;

Is there a way to write a paramenteerized class having a struct type as a paramenter and then write a task which access individually the struct member? I understand this is challenging and probably not permitted by SV but I want to give a try

I am basically looking for some efficient and elegan methodolgy for doing this
thanks much

In reply to stanzani:
Yes, you can have a parametrized class with a struct type. See sections 8.25 and 13.8 in the 1800-2012 LRM. But I don’t understand how you expect this to address your issue with force.

In reply to dave_59:

thnak you dave.
I want to design a function which loops over the struct member and assign them to signal individually (since $force and $release, which are simulator dependent) does not support forcing/mirroring for a full record type to/from the DUT