Functional Coverage Wildcard Bins Creation

Hi All

I have a 26 bit signal which is formed by concentrating 3 signals like shown below , i want tranition coverage for the 26 bit number where
cc transitions to same number , nn and mm can transition to any number .

bit [11:0] cc;
bit [5:0] nn;
bit [7:0] mm;

rrr_cp : coverpoint {cc,nn,mm} {
   wildcard bins gg[] = (26'b101100110101xxxxxxxxxxxxxx => 26'b101100110101xxxxxxxxxxxxxx);

When i create bins like above using wildcard bins, i get the following error
“On Expansion results in more than 1 million bins per coverpoint”

Please help me how to create these bins.
Since i need transitions for all combinations , i will not be able to write them manually

In reply to donald:

But there are 228 combinations with what you specified. That’s not practical to collect coverage with dynamic simulation. You need to explain more what requirements you are trying to cover.

In reply to dave_59:

In reply to donald:
But there are 228 combinations with what you specified. That’s not practical to collect coverage with dynamic simulation. You need to explain more what requirements you are trying to cover.

I do not want 2^28 transitions . I want MSB 12 bits to be same.
I wanted the following
bit [11:0] cc;
bit [5:0] nn;
bit [7:0] mm;

when cc does not transition , then i want all transtions of other 14 bits of nn and mm
when (cc = 12’d100 => cc = 12’d100)
{nn,mm} should transition 2^14

In reply to donald:

Do you want to cover ALL transitions of 14 bits, or ANY transition of 14 bits?

In reply to dave_59:

In reply to donald:
Do you want to cover ALL transitions of 14 bits, or ANY transition of 14 bits?

We want to cover all transitions

In reply to donald:

Well, there are 228 possible transitions of 14 bits (minus the 214 transitions to the same state). Thats 268419072 possible transitions. You cannot expect to cover all transitions with a bin for each.