Extending from a parameterized uvm class

I have a parameterized base class which extends from uvm_component:

class bc_port_sb#(type T = uvm_sequence_item) extends uvm_component;

I want to extend from this class with a different parameter:

class my_port_sb extends bc_port_sb#(my_pkt);

I have instantiated this class in my env:

class my_env extends uvm_env;
  my_port_sb  scoreboard;
  scoreboard = my_port_sb::type_id::create("scoreboard", this);

I have also overriden the type of transaction in my base test:

class my_base_test extends uvm_test;
virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);

But I am still getting a compile error WRT the type of transaction:
Error-[ICTTFC] Incompatible complex type usage
Incompatible complex type usage in task or function call.
class TESTBENCH.my_env_pkg::bc_port_sb#(class my_env_pkg::my_pkt)', while the type of the formal is ‘class TESTBENCH.my_env_pkg::bc_port_sb#(class uvm_pkg::uvm_sequence_item)’

Can you please suggest as to what am I missing here?

In reply to sid02101990:

You are overriding the wrong class. It is not your seq_item you have to override. It is the scoreboard class which is parameterized. You have to override this one.

In reply to chr_sue:

Hi chr_sue,

Thanks for the reply.

By override the scoreboard class, do you mean:


I did this and got the same error.

In reply to sid02101990:

You have to consiuder the actual parameter for your class in the construction and the override.