Erroneous Scenario test case

Can any one help me to understand, what is erroneous scenario and if i test that erroneous scenario so how that testcases pass or fail?
what is the approach for that ?

In reply to boss8032:

Please check: Negative testing | Verification Academy

In reply to Wafa:

As discussed in this Negative testing | Verification Academy ,
I have doubt that if i have one erroneous scenario then how i implement that in my VIP ,
e.g. i am working on Ethernet MAC protocol in that if payload is greater then 1500 for the basic frame this will be erroneous scenario , so i am not able to implement that one in my ENV.

In reply to boss8032:

So you’re talking about the VIP exceptions; which are negative scenarios that can potentially fail the design so they should be verified.

I think supporting them depends on the VIP architecture and implementation.

E.g. I worked with a VIP for SerDes product which supports such scenarios using callbacks, so that the user can override the normal operation to perform specific error injection scenario. This requires excluding this “exception” from the VIP normal-operation checks (to not trigger un-wanted VIP errors) and also proper recovery from that exception condition.

In reply to Wafa:

Can you have some reading material for that?
From that I can learn more.

In reply to Wafa:

Can you have some reading material for that?
From that I can learn more.