Empty bin warning for disabled cover point

Hi All,

I am getting the below warning from cover point in VIP, even after disabling using iff condition. There were so many warning’s like this and wanted to supress all of them. Please help.

cross__AxBURST__AxSIZE : cross AxBURST, AxSIZE
iff (coverpoint_enabled[CROSS__AXBURST__AXSIZE] )

        illegal_bins AxSIZE_FIX_unsupported = binsof(AxBURST) intersect{ TRANSFER_BURST_FIXED }
                    && binsof(AxSIZE) intersect { [<value_list>] };


# ** Warning: (vsim-8556) On evaluating the expression ‘binsof(AxSIZE) intersect{ value_list }’ inside the select expression of Bin ‘AxSIZE_FIX_unsupported’ of Cross ‘cross__AxBURST__AxSIZE’ in Covergroup instance ‘uvm_test_top.XXX’, no matching bins were found. The binsof expression will result in an empty set.

The problem here is that the iff construct does not disable bin construction, it only disables sampling. When constructing any kind of bin, illegal or not, there’s no way for the compiler to know as you are constructing the coverpoint that your intent was never to sample it.

There might be a tool specific method for suppressing these kind of warnings. Please read tyour tool’s documentation or contact your tool vendor for support.

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