i am trying to form a dynamic array of enum using 2 const arrays of enums in the following manner
typedef enum bit[7:0] {read,write,decode,execute,memory,write_back} commands_t;
const commands_t cmds_one[]='{read,write,decode,execute};
const commands_t cmds_two[]='{memory,write_back};
rand commands_t cmd[];
constraint cmd_size_cnsrt {cmd.size() inside {[5:10]};
cmd dist {cmds_one:=10 ,cmds_two};
but it gives error , any help ?
In reply to bassem yasser:
Constraints only work with integral expressions, not arrays. So you need to add another random selection variable and use an implication.
rand bit select; // or use another enum
constraint cmd_select {cmd.size() inside {[5:10]};
select dist { 1:=10, 0};
foreach {cmd[list]} if (select)
cmd[list] inside {cmds_one};
cmd[list] inside {cmds_two};
Did not try to compile this, so there may be syntax errors.
In reply to dave_59:
typedef enum bit[7:0] {read,write,decode,execute,memory,write_back} commands_t;
const commands_t cmds_one[]='{read,write,decode,execute};
const commands_t cmds_two[]='{memory,write_back};
rand commands_t cmd[];
constraint cmd_size_cnsrt {
cmd.size() inside {[5:10]};
cmd[i] dist {[read:execute]:=10 ,[memory:write_back]};