Disconnect the RTL driver during simualtion

Is it possible to disconnect an RTL block during simulation?

Please refer the diagram via the below link:

As depicted, the DUT interface is driven by 2 blocks:

  1. UVM spi agent (driver) and
  2. RTL spi Driver

The spi interface needs to be driven either by RTL spi driver OR UVM spi driver

Traditional Approach:
I can use an `ifdef to prevent the instantiation of the RTL spi driver block so that the interface is driven only by the UVM driver.
The problem with this approach is when a test fails with uvm spi driver and if I need to use the RTL spi driver, I need to re-compile.

Recompiling will not guarantee the reproduction of the scenario (randomization) even if we use the seed number.

It’ll be great to compile the RTL spi driver.
Then control the driving of the spi interface either from the UVM driver or RTL driver based on the simulation directive. This way I can use any driver, without having to recompile.

Could you please guide me in this regard?

Thank you,
Muneeb Ulla Shariff

In reply to muneebullashariff:

You need to explain further how the two different drivers are expected to drive the same stimulus. If the stimulus of both are generated from the same uvm_sequences, there should be no issues with random stability when re-compiling RTL.

At a minimum, you can put a wrapper around your RTL driver that inserts tr-state buffers to disconnect the outputs.