Cover point error

hi i’am facing this error,
I’am quite confused because the object handle which i’m casting is received correctly and the i’ve created the handle memory in build phase

my intention was to create a bin for enum value “word” if address is word aligned so i went with “with” clause,

** Fatal: (SIGSEGV) Bad handle or reference.
#    Time: 0 ns  Iteration: 10  Process: /uvm_pkg::uvm_phase::m_run_phases/#FORK#2213_7fe7f42bf3e File:
# Fatal error in Function ahb_size::#solve_bin_#word_item_#ahb_size##28 at line 28
# HDL call sequence:
# Stopped at 28  Function ahb_size::#solve_bin_#word_item_#ahb_size##28 - -
# called from 27  Function #cg1#::new - -
# called from 54  Function coverage::new - -
# called from  /usr/share/questa/questasim/linux_x86_64/../verilog_src/uvm-1.2/src/base/uvm_registry.svh 66  Function uvm_component_registry::create_component - -
# called from  /usr/share/questa/questasim/linux_x86_64/../verilog_src/uvm-1.2/src/base/uvm_factory.svh 1305  Function uvm_default_factory::create_component_by_type - -
# called from  /usr/share/questa/questasim/linux_x86_64/../verilog_src/uvm-1.2/src/base/uvm_registry.svh 115  Function create - -
# called from 42  Function env::build_phase - -
# called from  /usr/share/questa/questasim/linux_x86_64/../verilog_src/uvm-1.2/src/base/uvm_common_phases.svh 65  Function uvm_build_phase::exec_func - -
# called from  /usr/share/questa/questasim/linux_x86_64/../verilog_src/uvm-1.2/src/base/uvm_topdown_phase.svh 111  Function uvm_topdown_phase::execute - -
# called from  /usr/share/questa/questasim/linux_x86_64/../verilog_src/uvm-1.2/src/base/uvm_topdown_phase.svh 78  Function uvm_topdown_phase::traverse - -
# called from  /usr/share/questa/questasim/linux_x86_64/../verilog_src/uvm-1.2/src/base/uvm_topdown_phase.svh 95  Function uvm_topdown_phase::traverse - -
# called from  /usr/share/questa/questasim/linux_x86_64/../verilog_src/uvm-1.2/src/base/uvm_topdown_phase.svh 95  Function uvm_topdown_phase::traverse - -
# called from  /usr/share/questa/questasim/linux_x86_64/../verilog_src/uvm-1.2/src/base/uvm_phase.svh 1390  Task uvm_phase::execute_phase - -
# called from  /usr/share/questa/questasim/linux_x86_64/../verilog_src/uvm-1.2/src/base/uvm_phase.svh 2213  Task m_run_phases - -
# Fatal error reported during simulation. Coverage report is disabled. Please look above output for the fatal error message(s).
# End time: 10:43:23 on Feb 06,2024, Elapsed time: 0:00:02
# Errors: 1, Warnings: 0
# *** Summary *********************************************
#     qrun: Errors:   0, Warnings:   0
#     vlog: Errors:   0, Warnings:   8
#     vopt: Errors:   0, Warnings:   8
#     vsim: Errors:   1, Warnings:   0
#   Totals: Errors:   1, Warnings:  16,

this is my code,


class coverage extends uvm_component;
  local bit[`ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0]in_addr;
  local bit[`ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0]l_start_reg;
  local bit[`ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0]l_end_reg;
  local bit[1 : 0] l_ctrl_reg;
  uvm_analysis_imp_apb #(apb_transfer,coverage) apb_imp;
  uvm_analysis_imp_ahb #(ahb_m_seq_item, coverage) ahb_imp;
  uvm_analysis_imp_mem #(mem_seq_item, coverage) mem_imp;
  mem_seq_item mem_item;
  ahb_m_seq_item ahb_item;
  apb_transfer apb_item;
  covergroup cg1;
    ahb_size: coverpoint ahb_item.hsize{bins word = {WORD} with (ahb_item.haddr[1 : 0] == 'b00);
                                        bins def = default;
    ahb_addr : coverpoint ahb_item.haddr{bins incr4_trans = (in_addr => in_addr + 4 => in_addr + 8 => in_addr +12 );// with (ahb_item.hburst == INCR4);
                                         bins def = default;
    ahb_htrans : coverpoint ahb_item.htrans[0] {bins trans = (NONSEQ => SEQ => SEQ => SEQ) ;//with ((ahb_item.hburst == INCR4)||(ahb_item.hburst == WRAP4));
                                                bins def = default;
    apb_addr : coverpoint apb_item.paddr{bins start_reg = {0};
                                         bins end_reg = {4};
                                         bins ctrl_reg = {8};
                                         bins def = default;
    apb_data : coverpoint apb_item.pwdata{bins ctrl[4] = {[0 : 3]} with (apb_item.paddr == 'h8);
                                          bins start_addr = {apb_item.pwdata} with (apb_item.paddr == 'h0);
                                          bins end_addr   = {apb_item.pwdata} with (apb_item.paddr == 'h4);
  endgroup : cg1
  function new(string name = "coverage",uvm_component parent);,parent);
    cg1 = new();
  endfunction : new
  virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    apb_imp = new("apb_imp",this);
    ahb_imp = new("ahb_imp",this);
    mem_imp = new("mem_imp",this);
    mem_item = mem_seq_item :: type_id :: create("mem_item");
    ahb_item = ahb_m_seq_item :: type_id :: create("ahb_item");
    apb_item = apb_transfer :: type_id :: create("apb_item");
  endfunction : build_phase
  virtual function void write_ahb(ahb_m_seq_item item);
    if(ahb_item.htrans[0] == NONSEQ)begin
      in_addr = ahb_item.haddr;
  endfunction : write_ahb
  virtual function void write_apb(apb_transfer item);
    apb_item = item;
    if(item.paddr == 'h8)begin
      l_ctrl_reg = item.pwdata;
    else if(item.paddr == 'h0)begin
      l_start_reg = item.pwdata;
    else if(item.paddr == 'h4)begin
      l_end_reg = item.pwdata;
  endfunction : write_apb
  virtual function void write_mem(mem_seq_item item);
    mem_item = item;
  endfunction : write_mem
endclass : coverage

the line at which the error is pointing is this one,

I think i’ve made a mistake since it checks the coverpoints at the time of covergroup new,
at that time my handles will not be created since they are created in build phase.
so i think if i modified the new method as :

function new(string name = "coverage",uvm_component parent);,parent);
    mem_item = mem_seq_item :: type_id :: create("mem_item");
    ahb_item = ahb_m_seq_item :: type_id :: create("ahb_item");
    apb_item = apb_transfer :: type_id :: create("apb_item");
    cg1 = new();
  endfunction : new

it worked…