Copy only first column of a 2-D queue

Hi All,

Is there any method to copy a single column of a 2D queue directly to another queue?
something like the following (which didnt work):
dbg_base transq[:31][:3];
dbg_base transq_r1c1[$:31];

transq_r1c1 = {transq[0:$][0]};

In reply to abisha:

Hi Abisha,
You can not have a 2D queue, but you can take array of queue and then copy single column as required.

In reply to Parth4448:

Consider changing the dimension ordering.

dbg_base transq[$:3][$:31];
dbg_base transq_r1c1[$:31];

transq_r1c1 = transq[0]};

Otherwise you would have to use a foreach loop.

In reply to dave_59:

Thanks for your reply Dave.
Unfortunately , i cant change the dimensions. I am using a foreach loop for now.

In reply to Parth4448:

Thanks for your reply Parth. But 2D queues are allowed.