Continous assignment with delays

In below code, ‘b’ to ‘a’ assignment, Never happens(tried on edaplayground) Why ?
Example values of ‘b’ w.r.t. time
// 0 to 1ns,b=0;
//1 to 3ns,b=1;
// 3 to 8ns,b=0;
// 8 to $,b=1;

module top;
  logic a,b;
  //assign a=b;
  assign #4 a=b; // Never happens. Why ? timing regions ?

  initial begin
    #1 b=1; 
    #2 b=0; 
    #5 b=1;

This is because continuous assignments (as well as gate-level primitives) use what is called an inertial dealy model. This means only one scheduled change can be placed on the output at a time. If the inputs change faster than the output delay, the previous change gets cancelled.

In your example, a is initially x at time 0 and first scheduled to change to 1 at time 5. Next at time 3, the change to 1 gets cancelled and replaced with a change to 0 at time 7, which does occur.

If you run the simulation long enough, you will see a changes to 1 at time 12.

Thanks Dave for explaining the theory behind it.
Actually I later realized that assignment was ACTUALLY happening with 3 out of 4 simulators.
P.S. at t=12, a=1;