
Q1.write constrains to generate 4x4 matrix?
Q2.write constraint make diagonal elements are 1 and other assign random number?

In reply to mgufran365:

These are not questions, they are chores.

In reply to dave_59:

actually sir this question ask in the interview .on that time i was not able to write

In reply to mgufran365:

  1. You can declare a 2D array in class.
  2. it is straightforward to constraint the diagonal to be 1
    constraint diag { foreach (idata[i,j])
    if ( i == j)
    idata[i][j] == 1;

Hope this helps.

This will work to generate 4x4 matrix

class M4x4;
  rand int array [][];
  constraint ARRAY_SIZE {array.size == 4;
                         foreach(array[i]) array[i].size == 4;