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I am new to constraints and trying my way around it.
I want to generate a pattern where there should be total 8 1’s and all the 1’s should be in pair and 2 pair should not be next to each other. for eg. a=32’b11001100001100000000000001100000.
please find EDA link below where I don’t get desired results.
Hi @Yogesh_c,
You can try to randomize an array with random values as index for your addr variable and use post_randomize() function to fill addr variable to easily solve the problem.
Here is the modified class example: EDA Code
Hope this can help you.
I think of it as “8 bits set, 2 in a row but not 3 in a row”. The edge cases (index 0, 31) are annoying, it would be nice to have a general solution, didn’t find it.