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It was pointed ot on LinkedIn that “This would fail if int1 is greater than 22. Ex: if int1 is 25, would int2 become 34 or it would wrap around and have the value 2?”
Changing the Low bound constraint for int1 fixes this.
int1 is 22 , int2 is 31
c1.v= 00000000001111111111111111111111
class c;
rand bit[31:0] v;
rand int int1 , int2 ;
constraint LOW_BOUND { int1 inside { [ 0 : 22 ] } ; }
constraint UPPER_BOUND { int2 inside { [ 0 : 31 ] } ; }
constraint DIFF { int2 == int1 + 9 ; }
// constraint ct12 { $countones(v) == ( 32 - 10 ) ; } // Can be Skipped !!
constraint VAL { foreach( v[i] )
if( i inside {[int1:int2] } )
v[ i ] == 0 ;
v[ i ] == 1 ;
function void post_randomize() ;
$display(" int1 is %0d , int2 is %0d" , int1 , int2) ;