Constraint on even and odd number

I have an array in which odd numbers should be present in even indices and even numbers should be present in odd indices with using “%” operator.

class ex;
rand bit[3:0] a[10];
rand bit [3:0] j;
constraint c{
a[i] inside {[0:15]};
if(i & 4’b0001 == 1){ // For odd indices
a[i] & 4’b0001 == 0; // LSB should be 0
else { // For even indices
a[i] & 4’b0001 == 1; // LSB should be 1

module tb;
ex e;
initial begin
e = new();
$display(“a=%p”, e.a);

for the above code I am getting constraint conflicts, can anyone please help me with this issue

actually I tried by writing like below (writing the AND operation inside brackets):

class ex;
rand bit[3:0] a[10];
constraint c{
a[i] inside {[1:15]};
if(i & 4’b0001 == 1){ // For odd indices
(a[i] & 4’b0001) == 0; // LSB should be 0 // ----------------------> (1)
else { // For even indices
a[i] & 4’b0001 == 1; // LSB should be 1------------------------------> (2)

If I give brackets for (1) its working, but for (2) its working without brackets also. Can someone please explain me this

Try this it will work !!!

class ex;
rand bit[3:0] a[10];
rand bit [3:0] j;
constraint c{
a[i] inside {[0:15]};
  if(i % 2 == 1){ // For odd indices
    (a[i] & 4'b0001) == 0; // LSB should be 0
else { // For even indices
  (a[i] & 4'b0001) == 1; // LSB should be 1

function string display ();
  $display ("i=%0d a[i]=%d", i,a[i]);

module tb;
ex e;
initial begin
e = new();

problem is with ‘precedence order’. The issue in your code arises from the way you are using the bitwise AND operator (& ) and the equality operator (== ).

Arithmetic operator (Highest precedence) → Relational operator → equality operator → reduction operator → logical operator → conditional operator (Lowest precedence).

  1. Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %
  2. Relational operators: <, <=, >, >=
  3. Equality operators: ==, !=, ===, !==
  4. Bitwise operators: &, |, ^, ~
  5. Logical operators: &&, ||, !
  6. Conditional operator: ? :

corrected code:

class ex;
  rand bit [3:0] a[10];
  rand bit [3:0] j;
  constraint c {
    foreach(a[i]) {
      a[i] inside {[0:15]};
      if (i % 2 == 0) { // For even indices
        a[i][0] == 1; // LSB should be 1 (odd number)
      } else { // For odd indices
        a[i][0] == 0; // LSB should be 0 (even number)