Constraint Interview Question

Write a constraint where you have a 32 bit value bit [31:0] val where you’d want to randomize this to where every randomization would only allow 2 bits to differ from the previous randomization.

Can we solve it by using

$countones(prev_val^cur_val) == 2)

This is so because if only two bits are different in the previous and current value, their XOR should have only two bits set. Any other logic is welcome.

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You should try it. Asking better questions on the Verification Academy Forums with EDAPlayground - Verification Horizons

This seems to work for me. Any other solutions/suggestions are welcome.

class abc;
  static bit [31:0] prev_val;
  rand bit [31:0] cur_val;
 static int count = 0;
constraint sel{
  (count > 0) -> ($countones((prev_val^cur_val))==2);   
function void pre_randomize();
  if(count>0) begin
    prev_val = cur_val;

module tb;
  initial begin
  abc xx1 = new();
    repeat(10) begin
      $display("prev_val = %b",xx1.prev_val);
      $display("cur_val =  %b",xx1.cur_val);
      $display("count =  %d  diff = %d",xx1.count,$countones(xx1.cur_val^xx1.prev_val));
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No need for static variables or a counter.

This also works

class abc;
  rand bit [31:0] cur_val;
  constraint sel{
    $countones( const'(cur_val)^cur_val)==2;
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Could you please explain the need for the “const`” in this solution. Where exactly are you comparing the previous randomized value with the current one?

My apologies, I’m more than a little rusty at this, but does the constraint solver efficiently handle the ‘flip two bits’ constraint via $countones? (A long time ago) I would have generated two values between 0 and 31 and inverted those bits.

That might be fine if there were no other constraints on the random value. But what if there was another constraint like cur_val % 5 == 0 in addition to the number of changed bits? Generating the equations for that would be much less efficient.