I have the following configuration object hierarchy (a-b-c) in which every subclass brings some new additional properties:
class cfg_a extends uvm_object;
endclass : cfg_a
class cfg_b extends cfg_a;
endclass : cfg_b
class cfg_c extends cfg_b;
endclass : cfg_c
The same amount of layers (a, b, c) is also applied to the UVM test and env hierarchy as follows:
// UVM test hierarchy (a-b-c)
class test_base_a extends uvm_test;
cfg_a cfg_a_inst;
function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase)
uvm_config_db#(uvm_object)::set(null, "*", "cfg", cfg_a_inst);
endclass : test_base_a
class test_base_b extends test_base_a;
cfg_b cfg_b_inst;
cfg_a_inst = cfg_b_inst;
endclass : test_base_b
class test_base_c extends test_base_b;
cfg_c cfg_c_inst;
cfg_a_inst = cfg_c_inst;
endclass : test_base_c
// UVM env hierarchy (a-b-c)
class env_base_a extends uvm_test;
cfg_a cfg_a_inst;
uvm_object cfg_inst;
function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase)
uvm_config_db#(uvm_object)::get(null, "*", "cfg", cfg_inst);
$cast(cfg_a_inst, cfg_inst);
endclass : env_base_a
class env_base_b extends env_base_a;
cfg_b cfg_b_inst; // cfg_b_inst is used to configure layer-b specific agents.
$cast(cfg_b_inst, cfg_inst);
if (cfg_b_inst.has_some_agent) ...
endclass : env_base_b
class env_base_c extends env_base_b;
cfg_c cfg_c_inst; // Layer-c specific configuration.
$cast(cfg_c_inst, cfg_inst);
endclass : env_base_c
If I run test in the layer-c (test_base_c), which in turn instantiates env_base_c and passes cfg_c object handle to config_db, how can I perform configuration object cast in the env_base_b which is inherited? In that case, $cast(cfg_b_inst, cfg_inst); won’t work because cfg_inst object is not assignment compatible with cfg_b_inst, right? How should I overcome this issue, any proposals? I am open for better ideas.