Hello there!
What’s the right methodology to put the checker in the compilation scope in SystemVerilog?
I have a tb_top.sv module where I’ve instantiated an instance of the checker.
module tb_top();
// some other stuff
checker0 i_checker0 (.clk(clk), .rst(reset));
endmodule: tb_top
I’ve placed the checker description in another file checker0.sv.
checker checker0 (input event clk, logic rst);
//some assertions
endchecker: checker0
Then i compile both files,
vlog checker0.sv tb_top.sv
but at the end I get an error:
# ** Error: ../tb/tb_top.sv(2): Module 'checker0' is not defined.
So my question is:
What is the right methodology to include the checker in the compilation scope of SV?
Thank you for the input you can provide !