Cmd_line_processor in uvm


Could anyone explain , how cmd_line_processor get executed (flow)?
e.g : when we pass +UVM_TESTNAME=“my_test”, how it will be handle by UVM_liB


In reply to rkg_:

The uvm_cmdline_processor is a class used to query the command line. It is slightly more flexible than SystemVerilog’s $value$plusargs. It calls DPI-C code to read the entire command line and has a number of methods to get sets of values.

The first time it gets used is when calling uvm_root:run_test.

I’m guessing you are asking about it because you encountered some problem or misunderstanding.

In reply to dave_59:

In reply to rkg_:
The uvm_cmdline_processor is a class used to query the command line. It is slightly more flexible than SystemVerilog’s $value$plusargs. It calls DPI-C code to read the entire command line and has a number of methods to get sets of values.
The first time it gets used is when calling uvm_root:run_test.
I’m guessing you are asking about it because you encountered some problem or misunderstanding.

HI Dave,
Thank you for reply :)
I am trying to visualize the flow (which is happened internally ) , how this cmd_line_processor works when we pass this +UVM_TESTNAME … etc.
what all the class gets created and how to is structured ?

In reply to rkg_:

look at the code for uvm_root::run_test();