Clocking blocks causes multiple driving for signal

In reply to trogers:

It looks like you want to be able to use the interface in both a master mode, where ‘signal’ is an output from ‘some_if’, and in a slave/monitor mode where the DUT is driving ‘signal’ into ‘some_if’.

In this case, you need some additional control logic to configure ‘some_if’:

interface some_if (input clk);
  wire signal;
  bit signal_b;
  bit mode=1'b0;  // 1 = Master; 0 = Slave

  assign signal = (mode==1'b1) ? signal_b : 1'bz;

  clocking cb (@posedge clk)
    output signal;
  modport driver (cb);

From your driver, change ‘mode’ as appropriate, and set ‘signal_b’ as the output value.