Clock Frequency Checker

In reply to leya:
OK, the following works, I had 26 passes and 3 failures.

property p_clk_freq2;
            realtime current_time;
            @ (posedge clk)
            // disable iff ( !(!(reset) && (flag)))
            ('1, current_time = $realtime) |=> (1, $display ("p=%t", $realtime - current_time))
           // (clk_period <= ($realtime - (current_time-0.001ns))|| 
           //                 ($realtime - (current_time+0.001ns)));
            // 11.4.13 Set membership operator
            // inside_expression ::= expression inside { open_range_list }
            //int a, b, c;
            // if ( a inside {b, c} ) ...
            ##0  ($realtime - current_time) <= clk_period + 1ns and 
            ($realtime - current_time) >= clk_period - 1ns; 
        ap_clk_freq2: assert property (p_clk_freq2);

I have to analyze why the solution with the inside fails.
Below is my Testbench code.

import uvm_pkg::*; `include "uvm_macros.svh" 
module top; 
    timeunit 1ns;     timeprecision 100ps;    
    bit clk, clk2, a, b;
    realtime clk_period= 20ns;  
	default clocking @(posedge clk); endclocking
        initial forever #(clk_period/2 + a*1ns -b*1ns) clk=!clk;  
        initial forever  #10ns clk2=!clk2;  
        initial begin
            $timeformat(-9, 1, "ns", 8);
            $display("%t", $realtime);
        property p_clk_freq;
            realtime current_time;
            @ (posedge clk)
            // disable iff ( !(!(reset) && (flag)))
            ('1, current_time = $realtime) |=> 
           // (clk_period <= ($realtime - (current_time-0.001ns))|| 
           //                 ($realtime - (current_time+0.001ns)));
            // 11.4.13 Set membership operator
            // inside_expression ::= expression inside { open_range_list }
            //int a, b, c;
            // if ( a inside {b, c} ) ...
            ($realtime - current_time) inside {clk_period - 0.2ns, clk_period + 0.2ns}  
        ap_clk_freq: assert property (p_clk_freq);

        property p_clk_freq2;
            realtime current_time;
            @ (posedge clk)
            // disable iff ( !(!(reset) && (flag)))
            ('1, current_time = $realtime) |=> (1, $display ("p=%t", $realtime - current_time))
           // (clk_period <= ($realtime - (current_time-0.001ns))|| 
           //                 ($realtime - (current_time+0.001ns)));
            // 11.4.13 Set membership operator
            // inside_expression ::= expression inside { open_range_list }
            //int a, b, c;
            // if ( a inside {b, c} ) ...
            ##0  ($realtime - current_time) <= clk_period + 1ns and 
            ($realtime - current_time) >= clk_period - 1ns; 
        ap_clk_freq2: assert property (p_clk_freq2);
        initial begin 
            bit va, vb; 
            repeat(200) begin 
                @(posedge clk);   
                if (!randomize(va, vb)  with 
                { va dist {1'b1:=1, 1'b0:=3};
                vb dist {1'b1:=1, 1'b0:=3};      
            }) `uvm_error("MYERR", "This is a randomize error")
            a <= va; 
            b <= vb;

Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact Home - My cvcblr

See Paper: 1) VF Horizons:PAPER: SVA Alternative for Complex Assertions | Verification Academy