In reply to leya:
Apologies for my mistake, as the comparison expression I used is incorrect.
What you need, and really mean, is inside a region.
1800: 11.4.13 Set membership operator
inside_expression ::= expression inside { open_range_list }
int a, b, c;
if ( a inside {b, c} ) ...
// THUS,
property p_clk_freq;
realtime current_time;
@ (posedge clk)
disable iff ( !(!(reset) && (flag)))
('1, current_time = $realtime) |=>
// (clock_input <= ($realtime - (current_time-0.001ns))||
// ($realtime - (current_time+0.001ns)));
($realtime - current_time) inside {clock_input - 0.001ns, clock_input + 0.001ns}
ap_clk_freq: assert property (p_clk_freq);
Ben Cohen
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