Clarification regarding LRM 16.12.22 Nondegeneracy

Hi Forum Moderators,
Over the last few weeks I have been intrigued regarding a particular quote from LRM section 16.12.22.
Having done my homework on the same, I seek confirmation whether my interpretation of the LRM is correct.
Before I get to the actual LRM quote, here are some basic LRM definitions

A sequence that admits no match or that admits only empty matches is called degenerate.
A sequence that admits at least one nonempty match is called nondegenerate.
A sequence may admit both empty and nonempty matches, for example, a[*0:2]. This sequence admits an empty match and up to two nonempty matches: a and a[*2] .

Hence a[*0:2] is essentially a non-degenerate sequence.

At this point let me define a term ‘Strictly Non-Degenerate’ (although the LRM doesn’t define this).
A strictly non-degenerate sequence is one which admits only non-empty matches ( Eg: a[*1:2] )

Now that we have a basic understanding of the terms let me come to the LRM quote:

 LRM 16.12.22 :: "Any sequence that is used as a property shall be nondegenerate and shall not admit any empty match."

// Note that due to the 'and' both conditions should be met

As a non-degenerate sequence can comprise of both empty and non-empty sequences ( Eg: a[*0:2] ), can I say the above LRM quote essentially means that
*“Any sequence that is used as a property shall be strictly nondegenerate” i.e can’t admit any empty match ( Eg: a[1:2] ) ?

In reply to Have_A_Doubt:

I am currently writing a paper on Understanding Degeneracy. I intend to publish it sometime later next week. The paper is currently under review by a colleague; I want to get it right. Degeneracy is a misunderstood and tricky topic, IMHO. Vendors’ approach to handling degeneracy depends on the specific tools and versions. Certain tools will flatly reject the compilation when faced with degeneracy, whereas others might issue a warning or choose to entirely overlook the issue.
The paper is tool-independent and addresses 1800 interpretation on this.

Stay tuned.