Can software drive x or z to any pin of DUT


I have a software driven reset pin to my DUT.
Can the software drive x or z to that pin in any condition?
If yes then what could be the scenarios where it can happen.

thanks & regards,

You need to provide more context to your question. From a hardware design point of view, there is no such thing as software. Software is just a process to create a bit pattern that gets downloaded into a memory.

And there is no way to drive an X or Z in hardware (well you can drive a Z by turning off a driver). X and Z are concepts that only exist in simulation.

In reply to dave_59:

Hi Dave,

Thank you for your suggestion.
In detail, it is like below.

In SoC, there is reset control module which is having some registers, can be accessed through AHB interface. Now each bit of these registers corresponds to some module or block reset. Means if I write to that bit then corresponding module or block will only get reset, and rest will work as it is.

In this situation, can this happen that I am getting X or Z in the reset pin of any module or block.

thanks & regards,