Call class function for properties Or any alternative to achieve?

I am trying to use constraint random data generator inside property as:

package my_pkg;
class tr_gen;
  rand bit[1:0]  bsz; 
  rand bit[31:0] s_addr[];
  rand bit[31:0] e_addr[];
  rand bit[2:0]  bl;
  bit[31:0] addr_4KB_msk = ~((32'('h1) << 12)-1);
  rand bit[5:0] num;
  constraint c_tr_n {
    s_addr.size() == (num+1); // number of transactions
    e_addr.size() == s_addr.size();
  constraint c_s_addrs {
    foreach(s_addr[it]) if(it>0) {
      s_addr[it] == s_addr[it-1]+((bl+1)*(2**bsz)); // consecutive start addr = addr + total num bytes in transasction
  constraint c_e_addrs {
    foreach(e_addr[it]) if(it>0) {
      e_addr[it] == e_addr[it-1]+((bl+1)*(2**bsz)-1); // end addr = start addr + total num bytes in transaction - 1
  constraint c_4kb_boundary {
    foreach(s_addr[it]) {
      (s_addr[it] & addr_4KB_msk) == (e_addr[it] & addr_4KB_msk); // for every transaction ensure 4kb boundary
  constraint c_s_addr_byte_align {
    foreach(s_addr[it]) {
      bsz == 1 -> s_addr[it][0:0] = 0; // 2 byte
      bsz == 2 -> s_addr[it][1:0] = 0; // 4 byte
      bsz == 3 -> s_addr[it][2:0] = 0; // 8 byte

typedef struct packed {
  bit[1:0]  bsz; 
  bit[31:0] addr;
  bit[2:0]  bl;
} pkt_t;


module try(input[31:0] addr_in);

bit clk;

initial begin
  clk = 1'b0;

always #5 clk = ~clk;

function my_pkg::pkt_t eval_pkt();
  my_pkg::tr_gen tr;
  my_pkg::pkt_t pkt;

  tr = new();
  tr.randomize with{ num == 5; };

  pkt.bsz = tr.bsz;
  pkt.addr = tr.s_addr[0]; =;
  return pkt;

property p;
  my_pkg::pkg_t local_pkt;
  @(posedge clk)
  ((1, local_pkt=eval_pkt()) |->  (addr_in == local_pkt.addr));

Above code I am running in FORMAL, but seems I am unable to use class based randomization there.
If it’s a limitation by formal tool, any suggestion how to achieve above randomization using usual assumes?

In reply to bhupeshpaliwal:

You need to talk with your formal tool provider about ways of setting up assumes to get what you are looking for if it is possible or even necessary. This Mentor/Siemens EDA sponsored public forum is not for discussing tool specific usage or issues. Please read your tool’s user manual or contact your tool vendor directly for support.