AXI4 bresp Assertion

bresp is 3 in below waveform, but why the below assertion isn’t failing ?

Click Here! for Waveform

property bresp_valid;
 @(posedge clk) disable iff(reset==0) 
 	(bvalid) |-> (bresp == 0);

VALID_CHK1:assert property(bresp_valid) else $error("Assertion failed: Write Operation on awaddr = %0h isn't successful", awaddr);

Expectation is that whenever bvalid is detected high, bresp should be 0 at same clk.

In reply to verif_guy12:

Are you sure that this is the cycle where you think the assertion passes instead of failing?
Retry the simulation with the following code and traces.

int pass, fail; 
property bresp_valid;
 @(posedge clk) disable iff(reset==0) 
 	(bvalid) |-> (bresp == 0);
VALID_CHK1:assert property(bresp_valid) pass=pass+1; else fail=fail+1; 

Ben Cohen
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I am writing on these registers one after another - awaddr = {1C, 30, 34, 44, 48}
and the bresp for all these writes is 3

Observation after adding above pass/fail variable is that the Assertion only fails for awaddr 1C, 30 and doesn’t pass or fail for other invalid writes (assertion inactive?)

Expectation is that it should fail for all above writes. Please check waveform below and suggest.

Click Here! for Waveform

In reply to verif_guy12:

You have 3 signals. Is the reset a logical one?
Otherwise, I have no idea why the assertion is not triggering; it should.
Show a closeup for all the signals at address==34.
ake sure you have pass=pass+1; else fail=fail+1;

In reply to

Reset is declared as logic and it is always high.
Yes, pass and fail are added properly.

int pass, fail;   
property bresp_valid;
 @(posedge clk) disable iff(reset==0) 
 	(bvalid) |-> (bresp == 0);
VALID_CHK1:assert property(bresp_valid)   pass=pass+1; else fail=fail+1;

Waveform for addr 30
Waveform for addr 34

In reply to verif_guy12:
The assertion is dependent upon 3 signals and having assertions enabled.
Your signals are

  • reset, set to 1. // no issue here as to why assertion is not triggering
  • bvalid // Question: Is the value of valid at sampling time ==1?
    // It looks like its value is 1, thus antecedent is a match
  • bresp is !=0 thus expecting a failure
  • I assume you do not have an $assertoff or assert control that disables assertions.

If those above conditions are true, then I fail to understand your results.
Maybe the tool you are using has an issue or a limitation as to the number of cycles you can use.
We do not address tools in this forum; talk to you vendor.
Code below works as expected.

module m; 
  bit clk, reset=1, bvalid;
  bit[1:0] bresp=3;
  int pass, fail; 
  initial forever #1 clk = !clk;
  property bresp_valid;
    @(posedge clk) disable iff(reset==0) 
 	(bvalid) |-> (bresp == 0);
  VALID_CHK1:assert property(bresp_valid) pass=pass+1; else fail=fail+1;

  initial begin     
    $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
    @(posedge clk) bvalid<=1; 
    @(posedge clk) bvalid<=0; 
    repeat(4) @(posedge clk);
    @(posedge clk) bvalid<=1; 
    #2 bvalid<=0; 
    repeat(4) @(posedge clk);
    @(posedge clk) bvalid<=1; 
    @(posedge clk) bvalid<=0; 
    repeat(4) @(posedge clk);

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Thank you Ben. I will debug further with tool vendor.