Assignment to Int Variable Seems Improper

Here is the code.

module test();
  int a = 256;
  int b;

    b = real'(a)/6;
    $display("b = %0d", b);
    b = a/6;
    $display("b = %0d", b);

// Output
b = 43
b = 42

Now as per 1800-2012 LRM, Topic 6.12.2,

Real numbers shall be converted to integers by rounding the real number to the nearest integer, rather than
by truncating it. Implicit conversion shall take place when a real number is assigned to an integer. If the
fractional part of the real number is exactly 0.5, it shall be rounded away from zero.

Then why in the 2nd case, b is not getting value of the nearest integer (which is 43, because 256/6 = 42.67)?

In reply to Karan:

Because a / 6 is integer division, and, from section 11.4.3:

The integer division shall truncate any fractional part toward zero.

In reply to sbellock:

What does it mean by integer division? Does it mean that both numerator and denominator are integer?

In reply to Karan:

Yes. C behaves the same way, although the C standard defines it a bit more explicitly than the SystemVerilog standard.

From C11:

When integers are divided, the result of the / operator is the algebraic quotient with any
fractional part discarded. …This is often called “truncation toward zero”.

In reply to sbellock:

Ok So Should the following both code give same results?

module test();
  int b, tp;
  int d = 41;

    tp = ((d + 2) / 3);
    $display("tp = %0d", tp);
    tp = ((d + 2) / 3) - 0.5;
    $display("tp = %0d", tp);

1st one should truncate the results, because both numerator & denominator are integer. 2nd one will take the nearest integer, because subtracting 0.5 will make the result a real value.

Please comment on my understanding