Assigning a constant value to an unpacked array

I need to assign a constant value ‘0’ to an unpacked array.
My array is defined as “reg [3:0] q [1:0]”.
Can this be done using the streaming operator?
What is the standard way of doing this?

Thank you.

This will assign 0 to every element in an array:

q = '{default:0};

By the way, you should stop using the reg keyword. Use logic or bit. See

To clarify, you want to make every element in your array the contant value ‘0’

module test();
        reg [3:0] q [1:0];

        initial begin
                $display("q is %p",q);
                q = '{2{'0}};
                $display("q is %p",q);

In reply to alexgran:

That did the trick.
And you’re right, I should use bit instead.
Old verilog habits die hard :)

In reply to alexgran:

Maybe it works only inside an initial block? I tried putting this code inside my clocking block and did not seem to work. But the q = '{default:0}; worked.