How to write a assertion for the 2 signals when signal1 is low then signal2 should be stable at 0 or 1 without using any clock.
I tried with this
property p1;
@(signal2) (signal1 != 0);
How to write a assertion for the 2 signals when signal1 is low then signal2 should be stable at 0 or 1 without using any clock.
I tried with this
property p1;
@(signal2) (signal1 != 0);
//When signal1 goes low then no toggle in signal2
assert property(@(negedge signal1) 1 |->
@(signal2) 0) ;
For other requirements,
Use automatic tasks. See my paper on modeling SVA
Understanding the SVA Engine Using the Fork-Join Model
Using a model, the paper addresses important concepts about attempts and threads. Emphasizes the total independence of attempts.
Requirements: 1) if fall of sig1 then sig2 stable forever
2) // if fall of sig1 then sig2 stable until the next negedge of sig1
Two options. Other SV coding styles are possible. I like the task approach
module m;
bit sig1, sig2;
task automatic t_s1s2_stable();
bit v;
@(sig2) assert(sig2==v);
endtask //automatic
// if fall of sig1 then sig2 stable forever
initial @(negedge sig1) t_s1s2_stable();
task automatic t_s1s2_stable_till_s1();
bit v;
@(sig2) assert(sig2==v);
@(sig1) assert(sig2==v);
endtask //automatic
// if fall of sig1 then sig2 stable until the next negedge of sig1
always @(negedge sig1) t_s1s2_stable_till_s1();
hello ben,
in the above mentioned task t_s1s2_stable,if the value of sig2 changes then only we are checking the value which was before and after are same, how could this be possible, if there is a change how come it will same as before?
could you please give any insights into this?