I am using a non-consecutive repetition operator as below for which the limit is coming from a a register field bit[3:0]
property ready_valid_check(clk,reset,logic ready,logic valid,int delay);
@(posedge clk) disable iff(!reset)
!ready |=> valid [=0:delay] ##1 ready
endproperty : ready_valid_check
property_1 : assert property(ready_valid_check(clk_i,rst_n,top_tb.dut.ready_i,top_tb.dut.valid_o,int'(top_tb.dut.reg_block.cfg_reg.delay[3:0])))
else $error("Assertion Failed for property_1 ");
But I was getting an elaboration error
The use of a non-constant expression is not allowed in properties, sequences
and assertions for cases such as delay and repetition ranges.
Please replace the offending expression by an elaboration-time constant.
How can we overcome this ? Any suggestions ?
Thanks in advance.