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Hi Ben ,
Have 2 questions related to 2nd approach .
(1) What is the LHS for the intersect operator ?
Is it the sequence : *(1, count=count+1)[1:$] ##0 count<4 OR Only count < 4 ?
I could **replace intersect with throughout** if it were the latter as LHS can't be sequence for throughout.
(2) In your code the local variable is incremented on posedge of clk_tb .
What if I wanted to increment it only when clk toggles and then use clk_tb for intersect operator ?
property p_noclk_en;
int count=0;
@(posedge clk_tb) $fell(en) |=> @( clk ) (1, count=count+1)[*1:$] ##0 @(posedge clk_tb) count<4 intersect $rose(en)[->1];
Would this be a correct approach ?