Array constraint. Each row total should be 100, with each element less than 80. I want to understand how to do this using only sum method of array

In reply to sa5691:

Hey sa5691, sorry for not being clear on my requirement.
I need each element’s value to be less than 80 and sum of row to be 100.

I can do this seperatly and get correct result. But I want to specify this using sum method of array.

constraint array_c   {     
    foreach  (array1[i]) {       // for each row
      foreach (array1[,j]) {     // for each column in 1 row // meaning element
        array1[i][j] < 80;  // value of that element less than 80
      array1[i].sum(item) with (int'(item)) == 100; // each row total is 100