Arithmetic with signed numbers

I have the following code. What would be the value of S9? I think it’s 0. But not sure.

logic signed [8:0] S9_1, S9_2;
logic signed [8:0] S9;
S9_1 = -1;
S9_2 = 1;

S9 = $signed(S9_1[7:0] + S9_2[7:0]);

Did you try it?

Didn’t have access to Verilog/SV simulator. Found EDA Playground. Here’s the example. Could you please explain results of “Third” and “Fourth” signed additions? Please simulate to see what I mean by “Third” and “Fourth” results.

You might be interested in looking at section 6.2 VERILOG ARITHMETIC from my book Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL($3)
I am providing that section in the following link:

This annotated example from the book may help you understand arithmetic operations in SV.

Info about Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL

Recommended for those who lack the fundamentals of design and verification.