In reply to chr_sue:


This is one tb block APB with FIFO,so now am working on it, FIFO working fine but apb get issue with read transfer it showing a zero value in scoreboard


In reply to PJ:

You see in the waveforms a ‘x’ and this is the indication something goes wrong with your design.
The mem is not initialized and then you are trying to read from this mem. First you should do some wr before reading.

In reply to chr_sue:

yah, i did it.in waveform prdata ok,but in scoreboard prdata not comming.

In reply to PJ:

You are extracting the rd-data at a wrong time. You have to adopt the run_phase to the right behavior.
BTW $Strobe does not exist but $strobe.

In reply to chr_sue:

okay if suppose ‘rdata’ wrong in time , it not coming into scoreboard,
it is showing zero in design also ,

In reply to PJ:

In the wave prdata is not always 0. During penable = 1, it contains the right data. Correct your monitor behavior, looking at the right time to the signal prdata.

In reply to chr_sue:


i did the maximum changes in my monitor, but still getting one error ,when read at first time


In reply to PJ:

It works fine for me. Could you please your edaplayground.

In reply to chr_sue:

In reply to PJ:

Now you have 1 clock cycle too m uch in your monitor. Look to line 244 and comment out this clock delay like this

  //     @ (this.vif.monitor_cb);
      if(tr.apb_cmd == 0)begin
         tr.data = this.vif.monitor_cb.pwdata;
         tr.data = this.vif.monitor_cb.prdata;

Then you’ll see the perfect run.

In reply to chr_sue:

Thank you,
but we are getting data zero for that right.

simulation output:-

      ACTUAL=addr=45779231 **data=0** apb_cmd=1 EXPECTED=addr=45779231  **data=0** apb_cmd=1

In reply to PJ:

The question is not that the data is 0, because you do not exclude the generation of data = 0. What counts is the expected value is equal to the actual. And this happens.

In reply to PJ:

It showing “You do not have permisison to view this page”
on opening edalink
Can u make it public to view other