Always, s_always property examples

In reply to dave_59:

There is an implicit always associated with concurrent assertions, thus allowing the assertion to be retested at each occurrence of its clocking event. For example:

ap_resetf_hi_ater_hi: assert property(@ (posedge clk) 
   ##20 |=> always reset_f==1'b1 );   

Note that assertion ap_resetf_hi_ater_hi is attempted ONCE because of the initial.
However, after 20 cycles, reset_f must always stay in the high state.
You could write this as

initial begin 
  repeat(20) @(posedge clk); 
    always @(posedge clk) 
       ap_reset_f_hi: assert property(reset_f==1'b1 );  

Ben Cohen
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