Access top module signal inside sequence

I want to access top module signal (which is reset) inside sequence.Actually my intention is to provide on the fly (intermediate) reset from sequence but the thing is i applied initial reset (reset signal is inside top module itself)from top module & these functionality should not violate means for any sequence initial reset should be there & if i run reset_sequence then initial reset as well as intermediate reset both should applied.

I tried following things but no one works

  • inside virtual sequencer by using config db get the signal (FYI : which is set from top_module)& in my reset_sequence use p_sequencer.reset
  • Directly access signal using top_module.reset but this is also not working
  • Directly access signal using uvm_test_top.top_module.reset but this is also not working
  • Access reset signal through config_db get inside my reset_sequence & try to use it (Not working)

Please reply asap

In reply to parth099:

Instead of observing reset signal in sequence, you can observe reset in driver and discard received reset transaction as reset is already being driven.

  • You can get virtual interface in reset_sequence through uvm_config_db and observe the reset from the vif pointer.

In reply to parth099:

For the first solution that you tried, did you make sure to set the reset signal using config db correctly and in a block that is executed before the reset get with config db?

In reply to dee-2:

I set reset signal(config_db::set)from top_module inside initial block & get (config_db::get)it in virtual sequencer inside build_phase
I think this is not a issue

Can you try get from start_of_sim phase ?

In reply to shekhar46:

I tried but reset assertion from sequence is not working

Can you write your code here (interface declaration, config_db syntax, test code) ? And you see any warnings in log related to that ?

In reply to shekhar46:

Interface Declaration :
interface intf_name#(parameter)(input rst_n);

config_db syntax :

  1. inside top_module :

initial begin

  1. Inside virtual sequencer :
    function void start_of_simulation_phase (uvm_phase phase)
    `uvm_fatal(“NO_VIF”,"virtual interface must be set for: ",get_name());

test code

I don’t get it which code are you talking about ??? if you are talking about inside sequence than …

p_sequencer.rst_n = 'd0;

And you see any warnings in log related to that ?

In reply to parth099:
I have some problem with logic some time back, Can you try declaring reset as bit (driving 0 or 1 )/ int (driving some random value), and then see that the values getting reflected ?

You should NEVER access any signals inside of a sequence. You should ONLY access signals inside of a driver or monitor.

Generation of a sequence item should never depend on a signal state. A new sequence item could potentially depend on the response from a previous sequence item, but not on signals.

If you need to wait on an individual signal before driving a sequence item, this should be handled by the driver.

Hi Parth,
It is never a good idea to use signal as reference to generate sequence items.
But if still you want to access any signal inside sequence(not recommended) then there are two ways:

  1. Have an instance of virtual interface inside your sequence; and pass the handle of physical interface using config_db (which you might have set in your top module) to your sequence and get it inside task “body”. And then you can use your reset signal through your interface.
  2. if you don’t want to have and interface instantiation inside your sequence; then you can have same inside your sequencer where you need to pass the handle through config_db(similar to your driver and monitor). And inside your sequence you need to use this virtual interface using m_sequencer.<virtual_interface_name>. Which can be used for observing your reset signal.

Note: the procedure which you have mentioned of passing the signals as logic/int/bit inside config_db will not work; as it is passing this reset signals as a variable which is not passed by reference it is passed by value. Hence when try to get the value of this signal from config_db, will provide the value of the variable which it was having during the time of set call.

In reply to parth099:

As everyone say driving and/or polling any signal in seq is not recommended coding practice.

For your query …

  1. First take rest variable in your seq_item. Write constrain for default non-rest value.
  2. In your reset_seq overwrite above reset variable.
  3. Whenever driver got reset value it will drive reset.

I assuming that whichever driver run your rest_seq is allow to drive reset as per spec.