2D array constraint randomization

In reply to prasadaddagarla:

The LRM only defines the behavior of all array manipulation for a single dimension. It even has this example

logic [7:0] m [2][2] = '{ '{5, 10}, '{15, 20} };
int y;
y = m.sum with (item.sum with (item)); // y becomes 50 => 5+10+15+20

Your tool seems to treat the array reduction methods differently inside a constraint versus outside a constraint. Try this code

class A;
  rand bit [4:0] a [3][3];
  constraint c1 {
    a.sum() == 15; // illegal
    a.sum() with (item.sum) == 15;
module top;
  A h = new;
  initial begin
    assert (h.randomize);
    $display(h.a.sum());  // illegal
    $display(h.a.sum() with (item.sum));