Constraint for 4 Queens Problem

The 4 Queens Problem consists in placing four queens on a 4 x 4 chessboard so that no two queens attack each other. That is, no two queens are allowed to be placed on the same row , the same column or the same diagonal .

constraint c2{
                box.sum() == 4;
		foreach (box[i,j]) {
			box[i][j] inside {[0:1]};
			foreach (box[ii,jj]) {
				((ii == i) && (jj != j) && (box[i][j] == 1)) -> (box[i][j] != box[ii][jj]);
				((ii != i) && (jj == j) && (box[i][j] == 1)) -> (box[i][j] != box[ii][jj]);
				((ii+jj == i+j) && (i!=j) && (box[i][j] == 1)) -> (box[i][j] != box[ii][jj]);
				(((ii-i == jj-j)||(i-ii == j-jj)) && (box[i][j] == 1)) -> (box[i][j] != box[ii][jj]);

But this doesn’t give the correct array!

The constraints for your diagonals are not correct.

module top;
  class A;
  rand bit box[4][4];
    constraint c2{
      box.sum(R) with (R.sum(C) with (int'(C))) == 4;
		foreach (box[i,j]) 
			foreach (box[ii,jj]) {
              ii == i && jj != j      && box[i][j] -> !box[ii][jj];
              ii != i && jj == j      && box[i][j] -> !box[ii][jj];
              ii+jj == i+j && i != ii && box[i][j] -> !box[ii][jj];
              ii-jj == i-j && i != ii && box[i][j] -> !box[ii][jj];
  A a =new;
  initial repeat (4) begin
    foreach([i]) $display("%p",[i]);

Thanks Dave! I missed the last statement. Thanks for your response!
Got error for “box.sum(R) with (R.sum(C) with (int’(C))) == 4;”
Replace the same with “box.sum() with (int’(item))== 4;”. It worked and got desired array!

module top;
  class A;
  rand bit box[4][4];
    constraint c2{
      box.sum() with (int'(item))== 4;
		foreach (box[i,j]) 
			foreach (box[ii,jj]) {
              ii == i && jj != j      && box[i][j] -> !box[ii][jj];
              ii != i && jj == j      && box[i][j] -> !box[ii][jj];
              ii+jj == i+j && i != ii && box[i][j] -> !box[ii][jj];
              ii-jj == i-j && i != ii && box[i][j] -> !box[ii][jj];
  A a =new;
  initial repeat (4) begin
    foreach([i]) $display("%p",[i]);

0 0 1 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1
0 1 0 0