Understanding triggering cover groups using .sample()


I am looking at some code as below (only psedo code posted.) and curious how .sample() works for triggering cover group.

covergroup A
//some code here. bins etc

covergroup B
// some code here. bins etc

For each covergroup I have multiple instances

A a_instA, b_instA;
B a_instB;

In body task I am triggering with .sample.

do begin
 coverage = some_task_call();
while (coverage !=1)

However I see that coverage is measured by combined coverage of a_instA, b_instA and a_instB. (a_instA.get_inst_coverage ==100 && b_instA.get_inst_coverage ==100 && a_instB.get_inst_coverage == 100). Test is also printing these coverage values with each iteration and I see them increasing for each cover groups instance. My understanding was that whatever instance calls .sample() only that instance coverage is measures after trigger. I am surprised to see other coverage increasing as well.

In reply to aashishs2603:

Calling sample() on a covergroup instance can only increase coverage of that instance. You will have to show how you are display the computed coverage.

In reply to dave_59:

Thanks Dave
wanted to double check my concept.
I actually rewrote the code sample so that I can share here but found that only coverage called by sample is increasing like you said. I would debug legacy code and check why and how others were getting updated.
