Syntax error: token is #


The following code of a file gives syntax error in VCS for


line. The message displayed is:

Error-[SE] Syntax error
Following verilog source has syntax error : FILENAME, LINENUMBER : token is #
typedef basic_reset_seq
dut_basic_reset_seq ;

`ifndef tb_base_test__SV
`define tb_base_test__SV
`include "uvm_macros.svh"

import uvm_pkg::*;
import qrst_pkg::*;
typedef basic_reset_seq #(qrst_pkg::POLARITY_ACTIVE_HIGH,qrst_pkg::MODE_ASYNC_TO_CLK,qrst_pkg::MODE_SYNC_TO_CLK) dut_basic_reset_seq ;
class tb_base_test extends uvm_test;

 dut_basic_reset_seq some_reset;
//Some code
//Some extern functions/tasks
endclass : tb_base_test

//extern functions/tasks definitions

Can anyone please help me on this. Thanks.

UPDATE: I tried removing the tyepdef and using the parameterized class name directly while declaring the handle inside class. Still no luck.

I got this resolved, but posting the solution if it would help someone later. The issue was because compiler was not able to see


because it was included in some other package which was not imported. But the error message seems so vague and misleading when it complains about # character. Keeps you thinking about the nuances of parameterized class when the problem is something different.

In reply to rishikpillai90:

Whenever you get a syntax error, it is usually a problem with the token before where the error message points to.

In reply to dave_59:
Thanks Dave for the information. This shall be useful in future.