[SVA] Getting SVA-OPTCOV-LMFA warning due to the the bounded temporal consequent expression


I had one assertion as below

assert property(sig1,sig2);
@(posedge test_clk)
$rose(sig1) |-> ##[1:20000] sig2;
The above causing a warning as Warning-[SVA-OPTCOV-LMFA] Large memory footprint assertion

So I had replaced as below with goto operator. Is the below code is suggestable or any better way we have to detect consequent assertion:

property assert_chk(sig1,sig2);
@(posedge test_clk)
$rose(sig1) |-> ##1 sig2[->1]; //This property checks in consequent for assert of signal

Thank you

In reply to BhaRath@Intel:

// Your original syntax is wrong.  Should be 
property p (sig1,sig2);
  @(posedge clk)
  $rose(sig1) |-> ##[1:20000] sig2;
  ap_p: assert property(@ (posedge clk) p(a, b)); 
// or this 
  ap_p2: assert property(@ (posedge clk) $rose(a) |->  ##[1:20000] b);

// the following is probably better, but it has a different meaning 
// it depends on your specs 
$rose(sig1) |-> ##1 sig2[->1]; 

Ben Cohen
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