Sum with inline constriants

My question is in continuation to the below link, but since that was alredy solved , i was not sure if i need to create new question.

i am trying to do somewhat similar what is described above . In above example it is a queue is of local typedef.

In my case , cyclesq is an integer type queue. cyclesq.size() < tran_num & > 0. sum of the fields of this queue should be tran_num. and the fields of this queue should be positive numbers (item % 2 == 0).

Below is my code but i am not able to achieve the results.

for e.g.
cyclesq.size() is 10 , fields should be 2,4,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0 or 2,4,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 or 8,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

``` verilog

module cycle_cnt();

class cycle_cnt #(int trans_num = 10);
int tran_num = trans_num;
rand int  cyclesq[$];

constraint cyclesq_size {
   cyclesq.size() <=  tran_num;
   cyclesq.size() > 0;
   cyclesq.sum with (int'(item % 2 == 0))  ==   tran_num;


int cnt = 0;

cycle_cnt #(10) cycle_cnt_i;

initial begin

cycle_cnt_i  = new();


$display(" for tran_num = %0d cyclesq size is %0d",
cycle_cnt_i.tran_num ,cycle_cnt_i.cyclesq.size() );

for(int i = 0 ; i <  cycle_cnt_i.cyclesq.size() ; i ++) begin
cnt = cnt + cycle_cnt_i.cyclesq[i];
$display ("%d with cyclesq is %0d cycle_cnt is %0d ", 


In reply to edaboy:

The sum contraint was not correct, you should contraint the sum and each element seperately.
Can you try:

constraint cyclesq_size {
   cyclesq.size() inside {[1:tran_num]};
   cyclesq.sum()  ==  tran_num;
   foreach(cyclesq[i]) {
     cyclesq[i] inside {[0:tran_num]};
     cyclesq[i] % 2 == 0;