Read Operation (Reading From Memory)


I’m learning how to calling read task and I came across this example here May I know why they pass read_data as an argument and not data_rd when calling the read task? Hope someone can help me understand this as Im just a beginner.

module bus_wr_rd_task();

reg clk,rd,wr,ce;
reg [7:0]  addr,data_wr,data_rd;
reg [7:0]  read_data;

initial begin
  clk = 0;
  read_data = 0;
  rd = 0;
  wr = 0;
  ce = 0;
  addr = 0;
  data_wr = 0;
  data_rd = 0;
  // Call the write and read tasks here
  #1 cpu_write(8'h11,8'hAA);
  #1 cpu_read(8'h11,read_data);                   //why read_data?
  #100 $finish;
// Clock Generator
  #1 clk = ~clk;
// CPU Read Task
task cpu_read;
  input [7:0]  address;
  output [7:0] data;
    $display ("%g CPU Read  task with address : %h", $time, address);
    $display ("%g  -> Driving CE, RD and ADDRESS on to bus", $time);
    @ (posedge clk);
    addr = address;
    ce = 1;
    rd = 1;
    @ (negedge clk);
    data = data_rd;                  //why data_rd is not taken?
    @ (posedge clk);
    addr = 0;
    ce = 0;
    rd = 0;
    $display ("%g CPU Read  data              : %h", $time, data);
    $display ("======================");
// CU Write Task
task cpu_write;
  input [7:0]  address;
  input [7:0] data;
    $display ("%g CPU Write task with address : %h Data : %h", 
      $time, address,data);
    $display ("%g  -> Driving CE, WR, WR data and ADDRESS on to bus", 
    @ (posedge clk);
    addr = address;
    ce = 1;
    wr = 1;
    data_wr = data;
    @ (posedge clk);
    addr = 0;
    ce = 0;
    wr = 0;
    $display ("======================");

**Simulation Output

1 CPU Write task with address : 11 Data : aa
1 → Driving CE, WR, WR data and ADDRESS on to bus

4 CPU Read task with address : 11
4 → Driving CE, RD and ADDRESS on to bus
7 CPU Read data : aa

In reply to basilleaf:

You need to contact the author of the example (which IMHO is not realistic usage).