Randomizing MDA with constraints on count of entries


I have a 3x3 array - Each entry in the array can be RED, GREEN or BLUE. Can I randomize the array such that the difference in number of RED/GREEN/BLUE is never more than one? I can achieve this using post randomize but I was wondering if I can do it within a constraint - can we use temporary variables (eg: to count each type) within a constraint?

Using function (like shown below) will not work but I’m pasting it here to hopefully make the intent clear


class rgb_matrix;
    typedef enum {RED, GREEN, BLUE} val_e;
    rand val_e mda[3][3];

    constraint check{
       count_check(mda) == 1'b0;
function bit count_check(val_e val[3][3]);
    int num_red = 0;
    int num_green = 0;
    int num_blue = 0;
    bit fail = 1'b0;
      foreach (val[i,j]) begin
	 if (val[i][j] == RED) num_red++;
	 else if (val[i][j] == GREEN) num_green++;
         else if (val[i][j] == BLUE) num_blue++;
      if (((num_red > num_blue) && (num_red-num_blue >1)) || (num_blue-num_red)>1)) fail = 1;
      if (((num_green > num_blue) && (num_green-num_blue >1)) || (num_blue-num_green)>1)) fail = 1;
      if (((num_red > num_green) && (num_red-num_green >1)) || (num_green-num_red)>1)) fail = 1;
      return (fail);

There is no solution that would allow the difference between any of the RGB counts to be 1 or less. The best you could do is all a difference of 2.

let ABS(v1,v2) = v1>v2? v1-v2:v2-v1;
class rgb_matrix;
    typedef enum {RED, GREEN, BLUE} val_e;
    rand val_e mda[3][3];
   rand byte Rc, Gc, Bc;
   constraint c_sums {
      Rc == mda.sum(D1) with (D1.sum(D2) with (byte'(D2 == RED)));
      Gc == mda.sum(D1) with (D1.sum(D2) with (byte'(D2 == GREEN)));
      Bc == mda.sum(D1) with (D1.sum(D2) with (byte'(D2 == BLUE)));
   constraint c_diff { ABS(Rc,Gc) <3; ABS(Rc,Bc) <3; ABS(Gc,Bc) <3; }
endclass : rgb_matrix

module top;
   rgb_matrix rgbs = new;

  initial repeat(10) begin
endmodule : top

In reply to dave_59:

Sorry I overlooked that while mapping my problem to this example (my problem would require only 2 of the differences to be <=1 which I should have articulated in this example). But your solution answers my question - Thanks a lot for the prompt response!

However I do get compile errors: Is there any switch I need to enable to support this code? I also tried with changing `default_nettype (to make sure it was not none)

Error-[IND] Identifier not declared
test.sv, 232
Identifier ‘D2’ has not been declared yet. If this error is not expected,
please check if you have set `default_nettype to none.

Error-[XMRE] Cross-module reference resolution error
test.sv, 233
Error found while trying to resolve cross-module reference.
token ‘sum’. Originating program ‘test’.
Source info: D1.sum(D2) with (byte’((D2 == BLUE)))

In reply to ac1122:

Sorry, this code works on Questa and this forum is not for help tool specific issues. I will say that other tools recognize this syntax.

In reply to dave_59:

Was anyone able to make this work on EDAPlayground? If yes, can you pls share the link? I see a bunch of errors referring to D1 and D2 and c_diff constraint.

Thanks in advance

In reply to ac1122:

Likely that your tool does not support function chaining (Guess that’s the right word for this) yet. Maybe try latest version or contact your vendor.


In reply to Srini @ CVCblr.com:

This works for me after I checked with the tool vendor. Thanks again for your help Dave!

let ABS(v1,v2) = v1>v2? v1-v2:v2-v1;
class rgb_matrix;
     typedef enum {RED, GREEN, BLUE} val_e;
    rand val_e mda[3][3];
    rand int Rc[3],Gc[3], Bc[3];
    rand int RC,GC,BC;

   constraint c_sums {
     foreach(mda[i,]) {
           Rc[i] == mda[i].sum(D2) with (byte'(D2 == RED));
          Gc[i] == mda[i].sum(D2) with (byte'(D2 == GREEN));
           Bc[i] == mda[i].sum(D2) with (byte'(D2 == BLUE));

      RC == Rc.sum();
      GC == Gc.sum();
      BC == Bc.sum();

      solve Rc before RC;
      solve Gc before GC;
      solve Bc before BC;
   constraint c_diff { ABS(RC,GC) <3; ABS(RC,BC) <3; ABS(GC,BC) <3; }
function void post_randomize();
  for (int i=0;i<3;i++) begin
    for (int j=0;j<3;j++) begin
      $write(" %0s ", mda[i][j].name);

class rgb_matrix;
  typedef enum {RED=0, GREEN, BLUE} val_e;
  val_e mda[3][3];
  rand val_e lst[9];

  constraint c_items {
    lst.sum with (int'(item)) inside { [8:10] };
  function void post_randomize();
	int count = 0;
      mda[i][j] = lst[count++];