Question regarding Blocking and Non Blocking assignments


What will be the o/p of below code? I thought the O/P can be either a=b=0 or a=b=1 but when I simulated it on edaplayground I only see a=b=1

always @(posedge clk) begin
    a = b;
    b = a;
initial $monitor("a=%b, b=%b", a,b);


In reply to sj1992:

What is the initial value of a and b?
If that value is unchanged and same, then there may chance that it will give you 1 as output.

In reply to sj1992:

Please provide a complete example that demonstrates your question. There are so many variables regarding the code you posted (initial values, any other assignments, etc) that it is impossible to answer your question.

In reply to cgales:

This is the exact code and it is an sv file.

module test;

  reg clk;
  reg reset;

  reg a;
  reg b;

  initial begin
	a= 0;b=1;
    clk = 0;
    reset = 1;
    forever #5 clk = ~clk;
  initial $monitor("a=%b, b=%b",a,b);
  always @(posedge clk) begin
    a = b;
    b = a;


In reply to sj1992:

There is a race condition between the fork/join statements. There is no defined order of execution of the forked statements, so you may see a variation in behavior between simulators. However, running repeatedly on the same simulator will give you the same results. Hence the reason you only see ‘a=b=1’.

Try reordering the statements in the fork/join block and see what happens.

In reply to sj1992:

A fork/join with no blocking delays executes exactly like a begin/end block, except the execution order of the statements inside is undefined.