Multiple interface connections to multiple DUT

Hi All ,

       I am creating one SV DDR4 model.In that,I need to create 18 ddr4 instances and I have to connnect ddr4 interface with each model.

Interface Instantiation

genvar in_if;
for(in_if=0 ; in_if<18; in_if=in_if+1)
interface ddr_if[in_if] ();

Dut Instantiation

genvar slice ;
for(slice=0 ;slice<18 ;slice=slice+1 )

 dddr_chip  ddr4 (.interface(ddr_if[slice]));

The following error I am getting -

ddr_if is undeclared identifier

Please some one guide me for this integration


You need to name the begin/end block of the generate-for loop. You iterate over the block name.

for(genvar in_if=0 ; in_if<18; in_if++)
  begin : blockname
    interface ddr_if ();

for(genvar slice=0 ;slice<18 ;slice++ )
    dddr_chip  ddr4 (.interface(blockname[slice].ddr_if));

For a simple array of instance you can also do

interface ddr_if [0:17]();

for(genvar slice=0 ;slice<18 ;slice++ )
    dddr_chip  ddr4 (.interface(ddr_if[slice]));

In reply to dave_59:

You need to name the begin/end block of the generate-for loop. You iterate over the block name.

for(genvar in_if=0 ; in_if<18; in_if++)
begin : blockname
interface ddr_if ();
for(genvar slice=0 ;slice<18 ;slice++ )
dddr_chip  ddr4 (.interface(blockname[slice].ddr_if));

For a simple array of instance you can also do
systemverilog]interface ddr_if 0:17;
for(genvar slice=0 ;slice<18 ;slice++ )
dddr_chip ddr4 (.interface(ddr_if[slice]));

Thanks dave .. It is solved.
I am facing another issue.

*E PCIONC expression connected to an 'inout' port must be collapsible.. 

Below i mentioned my interface file

``` verilog
interface DDR4_if #(parameter CONFIGURED_DQ_BITS = 8) ();
    timeunit 1ps;
    timeprecision 1ps;
    import arch_package::*;
    parameter CONFIGURED_DQS_BITS = (16 == CONFIGURED_DQ_BITS) ? 2 : 1;
    parameter CONFIGURED_DM_BITS = (16 == CONFIGURED_DQ_BITS) ? 2 : 1;
    logic[1:0] CK; // CK[0]==CK_c CK[1]==CK_t
    logic ACT_n;
    logic RAS_n_A16;
    logic CAS_n_A15;
    logic WE_n_A14;
    logic ALERT_n;
    logic PARITY;
    logic RESET_n;
    logic TEN;
    logic CS_n;
    logic CKE;
    logic ODT;
    logic[MAX_RANK_BITS-1:0] C;
    logic[MAX_BANK_GROUP_BITS-1:0] BG;
    logic[MAX_BANK_BITS-1:0] BA;
    logic[13:0] ADDR;
    logic ADDR_17;
    wire[CONFIGURED_DM_BITS-1:0] DM_n;
    wire[CONFIGURED_DQ_BITS-1:0] DQ;
    wire[CONFIGURED_DQS_BITS-1:0] DQS_t;
    wire[CONFIGURED_DQS_BITS-1:0] DQS_c;
    logic ZQ;
    logic PWR;
    logic VREF_CA;
    logic VREF_DQ;

Is that error indicate wire declaration of dq,dm pinss.
I changed to logic for those pins also. Still i am facing the same error


In reply to Ram _p:

You can pass an array of interface instances to a module, but there is no syntax that allows you to concatenate a group of generated instances into an array.

In reply to dave_59:

In reply to Ram _p:
You can pass an array of interface instances to a module, but there is no syntax that allows you to concatenate a group of generated instances into an array.

This is certainly a deficiency in the language. We solve this problem by creating a “interface feedthru” module. Almost every one of our interface definitions has an paired feedthru module.
i.e. for our AXI interfaces:

module axi_feedthru
  axi_if.slave s_if,
  axi_if.master m_if
  assign m_if.awvalid = s_if.awvalid; 
  assign s_if.awready = m_if.awready; 
  assign m_if.awaddr = s_if.awaddr; 

The good thing about these feedthru modules is they usually dont need to be parameterized (even though the underlying interface are parameterized). i.e. for the above axi_if the awaddr wire has a parameterized width.

We use this to attached a named interface to a specific index of an array of interfaces - i.e

axi_feedthru axi_feedthru_flash
  .s_if( axi_lo_m_ifs[ INDEX_FLASH ] ),
  .m_if( flash_axi_if )

It’d be ideal it the language had a way to do this generically, rather than us being required to create the feedthru module per interface. What’s really needed, at its core is a “interface alias” like feature (similar to net alias).


In reply to Mark Curry:

The difficulty with alias is that unlike wires, instances can be parameterized, and interface port connections can behave like parameterization. Creating arrays of differently parameterized instances is big problem.

In reply to dave_59:

Not sure I understand the trouble completely. An interface array must be an array of identical interfaces (the language gives no way to instantiate anything else). That’s a given and ok with me.

My thoughts were the “interface alias” wouldn’t “tie” together two independent interfaces - rather, I’d declare the array of (identically parameterized) interfaces. Then “interface alias” the second named interface.

So, parameter types of everything would explicitly match. Of course, I’m probably missing something (perhaps tool, under the covers) obvious.

Actually thinking more I think I see the problem. It would work as I described above. But getting the grammar correct such that a user couldn’t do the reverse i.e. generate “N” independent (possible unique) interfaces, and try and “interface alias” them into an interface array. Yeah this latter thing wouldn’t work, and would need to be somehow disallowed.

Ok, language design is hard…

