Interface related

can i call the interface inside the rtl top?
basically my requirment is that rtl is collecting the data from verification environment, and after decoding it, it will send the address and data to a memory which is a sv class. so i have to send the singals through interface. i cannot use module for memory, that is the requirment.

thanks in advance.

In reply to Abhisek Sarkar:

I do not understand your question. You can certainly connect an interface to your RTL top. What do you mean by “call the interface”. And unless you are using the UVM, it is difficult to know what it means to add a memory class to your verification environment.

In reply to dave_59:

sir actually, whenever im trying to connect the interface with rtl inside rtl top, its showing error like missing the class.
i am using UVM.

In reply to Abhisek Sarkar: